Reflections on Motherhood and How the ‘Self-Care Sessions’ Were Born


Quite frankly becoming a new mum for the first time was full on and overwhelming. For the first 6 months I completely forgot how to take care of myself. One afternoon I looked in the mirror at my bird’s nest hair and realised I hadn’t even brushed my teeth and it was 2pm! 😬This was a real turning point for me and I knew things had to change…

Slowly slowly I started reconnecting with the things I loved. Having cups of tea and enjoying them (hot). Doing some yoga and gentle Pilates to help get my body back to being strong again. I journalled. I used meditation and essential oils as a way of feeling grounded.

During this process of ‘rebuilding Lizzy’ I also discovered just how disconnected I felt from other women at times. I realised how much I missed the tribal feeling that our modern world fails to provide. I loved my little boy and partner and our world was just lovely together. But I craved the meaningful company of other likeminded women. This is how the ‘Self-Care Sessions’ were born.

I thought long and hard and decided to create the kind of space that I felt was missing in my own life. An evening of relaxation, laughter, sharing and hot cups of tea! But it wasn’t just about me… it was about reaching out to other women who might be feeling the same way I did… it was about bringing other women into circle. To share ideas, joys, sometimes heartbreaks.. bearing witness and helping eachother to dig deep and remember what makes us feel connected to ourselves and to the world around us.

So that we could recharge our very souls and show up as better human beings. For our own wellbeing, and for the ripple effect that we knew in our hearts would extend out to families, the community and the people we care for.

Most of the women who come to these sessions are mums, teachers, helpers, carers or health professionals. Women who care for others in their daily lives a lot. Women who give a lot. Women who sometimes need to stop and shamelessly give to themselves once in a while. Without guilt. To give themselves permission to put their needs first. At least for one night.

Using my clinical experience as a naturopath, physiotherapist and someone who has been ‘on the path’ since I was 17 I have brought it all together to deliver a special event that you will remember long after with warm fuzzy feelings… 🙂 <3

Looking forward to sitting in circle at the next of the Self-Care Sessions. See here for more details of the next event in Adelaide.


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