LOVE |Part XI ~ The Core Value Series


LoveThis month I have been researching love for this – the final post in the Core Value Series! It’s been a beautiful and interesting ride. 

If you’d like to go back and read up on the other values I explored you can find them here – I posted about Adventurousness, Authenticity, Creativity, Compassion, Faith, Forgiveness, Generosity, Gratitude, Integrity and Joy.


So, I’ve been thinking about love a lot this past month… and I know that love is something at the core of me that I value very deeply.

But what exactly is love?

Interestingly during my quest to discover more about this value, I found out that love is both a noun and a verb (a ‘doing’ word.)


Love noun

a strong feeling of affection.
“babies fill parents with intense feelings of love”


Love verb

feel deep affection for someone.
“I love you.”


It’s a great reminder to read these and realise that love is not just a thing that exists in the world, and in our hearts, but it requires doing meaning that it’s super important to actually show our love with kind words, deeds and thoughts – every day.


While researching this beautiful value I asked the gorgeous and inspiring Viknesvari from Honour Your HeArtflow what love meant to her and here’s what she said:


“Love is the Essence of who we really are, the stuff that we are made of, the spaciousness within us and around us. Aligning with Love is allowing Source to flow through you creating an abundance of beauty and magic in your life. I invite you to consciously choose love, every single moment and watch how your life transforms.” Viknesvari


I love this because just like mindfulness, conscious awareness of love also takes patience, perseverance and deep awareness.

It asks that you be present for all of the people in your life in all exchanges.

It also asks that you meet people where they are and gently offer them your love, no matter whether they feel sad, happy or something in between.

Being present for someone with a heart full of love is one of the greatest gifts you can give.


Let’s be honest about love though, even though it’s our default setting, it can still be challenging to consistently think, speak and act from a place of love.

It saddens me to say it but this is why world wars and terrorism exist – people aren’t coming from love when they are hating and bombing and hurting one another. The world needs more love. And it all starts with you and with me.


Sometimes it can be downright difficult to express your true nature of love – particularly if you’re feeling moody, grumpy, frustrated, sad or even angry.

And even in those moments of conflict, if you can pause, step back, and then come back to yourself and be with the other from your heart space and be loving – it makes all the difference.

Like most things in life if you put in just a little extra effort you will notice that the energy shifts, and you manifest more loving relationships, deeper connections and a glimpse at the eternalness of who you really are.


While exploring love I have been reminded to delve into a beautiful book that has shaped many of my relationships in a profoundly positive way – it’s called ‘the 5 Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman, and I first read it in 2013 after receiving it as an engagement party gift from friends.

This book provides incredible insight into the 5 different languages of love that people speak. According to Gary these are:

  • Physical Touch
  • Gift giving
  • Acts of Service
  • Quality Time
  • Words of Affirmation


Now, each of us has a preferred method of giving and receiving love. One of these may be dominant, but often people can identify two or three that are most important to them.

It can be surprising to discover the needs of those around you – how they prefer to be shown your love. It can be incredibly illuminating and relationships can grow and prosper when we demonstrate our love in the way that is going to be best received.

For example – your partner values acts of service more than anything else. The simple act of hanging up their washing, cooking a meal for them, or running an errand can lift their spirits and make them feel supported and loved. In contrast, if you don’t ever do anything to help them, they may feel unsupported and unloved.

If you are intrigued by this and would like to learn more you can pick up your own copy of the book or take the quiz online here to find out what your love language is!


Like to add more love to your day?

Here are my favourite affirmations for love, with credit to Louise Hay and her beautiful affirmation work:

I love and approve of myself

I am love

I am loved

Love surrounds me

I am a being of love and light

I radiate love and compassion


Much love to you beautiful one and thank you for joining me on this incredible journey in 2016 as we unearthed some core values and discovered what it really means to live by your values.

There are so many more that I could write about – resilience, commitment, persistence, bravery, alignment, strength, grace, wildness… but it’s the end of the year, the end of a cycle, and it’s time to say goodbye and let this project go.

If you’ve felt inspired by this post, or any of the Core Value Series, I would LOVE to hear your feedback in the comments below.

Your insights might inspire someone else in ways you wouldn’t dream.

I love you….









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