GENEROSITY | Part VII ~ The Core Value Series

This month, it’s all about generosity. I had mixed feelings about writing this post, because harping on about being generous intuitively feels like the opposite of being humble. Those who are selfless do not go about describing themselves as generous (and usually fly under the radar!) So there was some resistance, but I worked through it in order to gift you this little piece of my heart…

Generosity is something we could all use a little more of in our lives. It has become easy to be swept up in ‘me and mine’ as our fast-paced modern society (and unchecked egos) encourage us to do, but when we are self-obsessed, we can’t actually help anyone else, least of all ourselves.


So I started thinking to myself, what is generosity and how can we embrace this beautiful and altruistic value?


After much reflection and research I realised this – it’s something at the core of me that I value deeply.


According to the Oxford Dictionary generosity noun means:
1. The quality of being kind and generous 
I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours


2. The quality or fact of being plentiful or large
Diners certainly cannot complain about the generosity of portions


I love this second one! Are you living large? (And I’m not necessarily talking about upsizing, or how much you are putting on your plate at the buffet bar – but how much are you serving others?)


I just love these words from the gorgeous and inspiring Hannah Ivanovskis of Feel Better Collective


“For me generosity is an incredibly important core value. It’s not about giving of material things (although I love to do that too), it’s about what you give of yourself – that is time, attention, support and empathy. Being generous with these things says to someone ‘you are important and what you have to say matters’. Sometimes, that alone is enough to make someone feel valued – and that’s a true gift.”


Hannah is so right – just being there and allowing someone to feel heard and validated is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give to a human being. Full stop. It honestly is not to be underestimated – there is great healing power when you listen to another being and just hold the space. 


I believe that there are 3 main ways that we can be generous:


  1. We can give to ourselves

Think self-care, plenty of sleep, meditation or mindfulness practices, relaxation, body movement, time for tapping into our needs and nurturing our relationship with our own spirituality, and of course healthy fuel – this means water, smoothies, fresh juices, foods that are whole and living – ie grains, beans legumes, nuts and seeds and green stuff!

2. We can give to others

Giving can involve writing a heartfelt letter, being a sympathetic ear when needed or helping a friend, family member or stranger out of a sticky situation.

If we are talking physical gifts (and I do love giving – it’s one of my top love languages out of the 5) then it helps to think about gifts in a special way – something I learned from Author and American Buddhist Monk Lama Surya Das. In his book ‘Awakening the Buddha Within’ he encourages us to consider giving away our most prized possessions just like Buddha did, advising that we aren’t really giving unless we give away the things that matter most to us – be they physical objects or parts of ourselves (i.e. our most ‘prized’ knowledge.)

I love this because it is so beautiful and it really does ring true. I remember the lightness I felt in my heart when I gave away some incredibly meaningful or sentimental Tibetan bells that I loved and cherished – they were one of my most prized possessions but giving them away felt cleansing for the heart. Giving away your possessions is a brilliant way to identify attachment and release it, it teaches us to look deeply at the things we are clinging to.


3. We can give to the world

We do this through sacred activism, performing rituals and ceremony that enrich our lives or the lives of others, leading by example, being non-conformist and helping to raise the vibration in our little patch (our community.)

There are currently millions of individuals, grass roots intitiatives and non-government organisations doing incredible things for people all over the world.

Sometimes these acts are small and subtle, sometimes they are bold and courageous but the energy is the same. It is love.

Consider giving your time, energy or money to something that resonates and help the world just because you can. What legacy would you like to leave?


Quiet and modest ways to weave generosity into your day:
  • Allow people to relish in their stories, in their own version of events, without jumping in to offer your opinion, without telling ‘your own’ story. Intensive listening and holding the space for someone is a deep and sincere act of giving.
  • Surprise a dear friend with a heartfelt letter or card in the post. It costs very little time and money but the benefits are astonishing – it’s a private opportunity to say thank you in a way that the spoken word, an email or text never will. Snail mail has become super exciting these days!
  • Show up in the world as the best version of you – some days that will be 110% and other days as low as 20% (or less!) But show up. If you seriously can’t show up because you’re physically unwell, or hibernating (this is me at present with Winter here in the southern hemisphere) there will always be an opportunity to make it up when you’re in a more outgoing mood or season (Spring and Summer!)


Affirmations to foster generosity towards yourself and others:
  • Life supports me
  • Everything is working out for my highest good
  • I love and approve of myself (self-love is an act of generosity!)
  • I give from a place of love
  • I am abundant on all levels and I share this abundance with the world


I’ll finish with a sweet quote from the American author and thought leader Suze Orman


“True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.”


I couldn’t have said it better… Give your time, give your love. Don’t expect anything in return.


If the Universe does send gift(s) your way, learn to graciously receive with thanks.


As always, if you enjoyed this post and would like to ‘gift’ it to someone who has been particularly generous towards you, then hit share, send them an email and thank them for their generosity!


Much love,


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