FAITH | Part IV – The Core Value Series



Yes it’s true, life can be messy. Sometimes beautiful and magical, other times intense and even downright terrible. But faith is one quality that if understood and embraced, can bring you a whole lot of peace and a whole lot of joy no matter what the season. It’s the ultimate path to surrender. So what is faith? The Oxford dictionary tells us that it has two meanings:


  1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something
  2. strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction.


Ok cool, but what does this actually mean?


It means trusting that things will work out, and allowing life to flow.

It means believing in God, the Universe, Mother Nature or some higher power.


I’ve been reflecting on what faith means to me – and I know that it’s something at the core of me that I value deeply.


My faith has been tested lately, especially with the initiation into motherhood. My faith in myself and my parenting skills. My faith in the world at large as being a good place to raise another human being. My faith that that there will eventually be more sleep (one day!)


I began to wonder what faith meant to others… so I asked the lovely Barbara Churchill for her thoughts on faith – Barbara is a speaker, leadership and team development facilitator and coach who assists clients, organisations or individuals to bring the “human factor” back to the workplace.


This is what she had to say:


Faith is the knowing from a place deep within that all will be well, even when you can’t see it, hear it or imagine it. When I’m connected to my inner wise self, my faith knows no limit.


These are beautiful words, and faith can be limitless indeed if you are in tune with your higher self.


So how can you foster a little more faith in your own life?

  • Learn to take action and then surrender to the outcome. Trust that the right circumstances will arise and if not – you will deal with whatever the outcome is.
  • Create a daily spiritual practice for yourself. This might involve God, angels, nature, exercise, meditation, yoga, journalling, dance, art of some kind or even a tea ceremony. Choose something that helps you to tap into the divine and feel connected to something bigger than yourself.
  • Believe in yourself. Believe in your ability to steer your own ship, to make the right decisions for yourself. Trust in your strengths and own them!


There are a lot of things I have faith in.

I have faith that as a human race we will continue to grow and evolve, but we will do so in ways that are increasingly beneficial for our planet’s survival (i.e. a continued shift towards plant-based diets and renewable energy as some examples.)

I have faith in natural medicine and healthy living. I believe it is the answer to a lot of the world’s sickness and disease.

I have faith in the sun shining and the moon rising. Sunrise and sunset are my favourite parts of the day, and serve as a gentle reminder that there is stability and order to our world.

I have faith in a higher power. I believe we are all part of a beautiful and sacred cosmic dance… and I am reminded of this every time I slow down enough to take a deep breath and drink in the beauty of our natural world.

I have faith that “everything will work out in the end. And if it isn’t working out – then it isn’t the end”. (A great quote from the film Slum dog Millionaire that has stayed with me!)


I also love this quote from one of my favourite humans… His Holiness the Dalai Lama, someone I was so happy to see live at his conference in Adelaide a few years ago:


“Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”


This is a reminder that things don’t always go to plan, but if we can keep the faith that it’s all part of a divine order – it sure helps to sleep at night.


Here’s to keeping the faith beauties…










Elizabeth and LeonardoElizabeth Santos is a holistic physiotherapist and naturopath who home-birthed baby number one in 2015. She lives in the Adelaide foothills with her husband, their little boy and fluffy white dog!

Elizabeth is now offering Earth Mama Sessions – 1:1 Skype consultations for women who are pregnant and hoping to have the most natural birthing experience they possibly can. 

Book a free introductory 30 minute session here and feel genuinely supported on your unique and sacred journey into mamahood. Discover how to conquer your fears and make informed choices so that you feel empowered at every step. 


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