GRATITUDE | Part VIII ~ The Core Value Series

It’s quite fitting that I looked at my schedule of posts this month only to discover that gratitude was the theme. Why – you ask? Because I can honestly and openly say that lately I have been ungrateful. Yes – it’s true. It happened slowly, insidiously creeping up on me in the absence of my awareness. In all fairness, I feel that my sleep-deprived-mama-haze is mostly at fault. Nonetheless, upon discovering that I’ve perhaps lost sight of just how brilliant this reality is, I’m diving into gratitude whole-heartedly.

The timing of this post in the series couldn’t be more pertinent for my own wellbeing, that of my family, and the community at large. I love the divine order of things, a big thank you to the Universe for removing the haze. I can see clearly – and the way forward is indeed, more gratitude.


So I ask – do you take time to practise gratitude? Whether the answer is yes (religiously) or hmmmm no (not at all), read on for some inspiration to help you add more gratitude to your day.


According to the Oxford Dictionary gratitude noun means:
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
“she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support”
synonyms: gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks, appreciation, recognition, acknowledgement, hat tip, credit, regard, respect.


I think hat tip is my favourite.


So since my revelation (about being ungrateful at times) I’ve been thinking to myself, what is gratitude and how can I – how can we embrace this beautiful core value more fully in our own lives?


I know for sure it’s something at the core of me that I value deeply – so how can I become gratitude?


I asked the beautiful Chloe Wigan – avid writer and life coach at One Infinite Life and creator of the 28 day gratitude project what gratitude meant to her and here’s what she had to say.


“I’ve been practicing gratitude for over a decade now and in that time I’ve discovered that gratitude has — and continues to — make my life infinitely better. If you want to amplify your life in every way possible — start by practicing gratitude.” – Chloe Wigan


I love Chloe’s words because practising gratitude daily really has the power to create noticeable shifts that help you to upgrade your life on every level.


I also checked in with the gorgeous Amy Mackenzie – Life Coach for Heart Centred Entrepreneurs + Women in Business from Designing Her Life and she was thrilled to share these words on gratitude.


“Gratitude calls to me every single day, it is about giving thanks for being alive and showing a deep appreciation for everything we have, even on the hard days. I truly believe a person with a grateful heart is unstoppable as when we are grateful for what we have, life gives us more and more to be grateful for.” – Amy Mackenzie


This draws on the wisdom of the law of attraction and it is so true – the more we focus on feeling gratitude the more joy and beauty we create in our world. In truth, every experience no matter whether it is perceived as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ offers an opportunity to be grateful.


The lovely Mia Love – Cosmic Activist, Modern Mystic and creator of the Gratitude Page on Facebook also offered her unique words on gratitude – a core value she embodies deeply.


“The truest blessing I receive in living with a grateful heart reveals itself most potently when I embrace gratitude in the depths of my darkest hour. What usually follows is a shower of magic, love, peace, cosmic enlightenment and heart wisdom. So I say thank you dear life. Thank you for the light and especially thank you for the dark, for it is in the dark my Soul grows, expands, opens for more…” – Mia Love


I agree 100%, sometimes our own ‘dark night of the soul’ and suffering can let the greatest light in, creating the most profound shifts in awareness and fostering a deep sense of thankfulness for what is right in our world.

So practically speaking, how can you focus on gratitude?


Quiet and modest ways to weave gratitude into your day:

  • Before you even get out of bed in the morning, spend a minute or two immersing yourself deeply in the feeling of gratitude. Say a prayer if you’re into that, breathe into your body and give thanks for another day.
  • Get up a little earlier and watch the sunrise, or catch a sunset to help you appreciate the cycles of life, and being present on planet Earth.
  • Phone a friend, send a heartfelt letter or reach out to someone who has been there for you. Express your gratitude joyfully. Own it!
  • Buy a new journal – whether fancy or not it doesn’t matter, and start to write 5 people or experiences you feel gratitude for in that moment. You can repeat this again at night before you go to sleep if you feel called to.


Here are some Louise Hay inspired affirmations to help you foster gratitude towards yourself and others:
  • I am grateful for my healthy body. I love life.
  • My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.
  • The more gratitude I feel, the more I am aware that the supply is endless.
  • Gratitude brings even more to be grateful about. Today I am grateful.


I love this quote from gorgeous human being Byron Katie, because it’s deeply humbling. It’s a reminder that even though it’s okay and important to be grateful for material things at times (because we can find ourselves taking them for granted – things like having a car, clothes, a hot meal or a roof over your head) that isn’t what gratitude is really about.

Gratitude is really about that feeling of thankfulness deep in your belly that transcends materialism.


“I’m not grateful for this or that. I’m grateful.” – Byron Katie


Allow your inner light – the flame of gratitude in it’s purest form to shine out from within and radiate in all directions.


Much love… and thank you.


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