AUTHENTICITY | Part II – The Core Value Series

Authenticity postcard


You might have read or heard about the importance of being more authentic. But what does ‘being authentic’ really mean in day-to-day life?

In this piece I’m exploring authenticity, with some simple steps you can take in order to dig deep and connect with your most natural state. It’s all about living bolder and with a little less fear, communicating with courage and opening your heart to others and to life.

Those who know me well, (or even just a little) know that I get excited by health care. I love Natural Therapies, healthy food, keeping fit, working with others and building relationships.

I also love contributing to the world from my little corner of the Universe, which is one of the reasons I find great joy in blogging.

But aside from this persona of the ‘helper and healer’ I’m lots of other things too. I’m a mama, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend.

And yet beyond all of those labels I have a deep and rich inner tapestry of emotions, values, desires, dreams, hopes and fears.

And you have all of these layers too.

We all do.

I’ve been reflecting on these layers, and this beautiful, somewhat elusive value of authenticity. I’m still working it out and I’m ok with that. But I do know this for sure – it’s something at the core of me that I value deeply.


Luckily we do get feedback on how to live more authentically. For example…

Sometimes when being in the world you might feel that you have overshared in your interactions. We all go through this – some people are just more sensitive to this kind of remorse than others.

Other times you might feel that you have undershared and missed a beautiful opportunity to have connected with someone.

And still there may be other moments where it all feels beautiful and the stars align and there’s that warm fuzzy glow when you’re speaking and interacting with another human being. It’s just like Goldilocks and the bowl of porridge – sometimes the sharing and caring is just right. 

These moments are the real gems.

Like sparkling jewels of bliss and joy – in these moments you tend to feel the purest of love for another and so grateful to be alive.

All it takes is a warm smile, a pat on the back, or a full bear hug to confirm that there is some serious love and magic in this world and that you are part of it, right here, right now.

At these times your perfect-imperfection is in plain view, for all to see, and you feel good about that.

I believe these moments are authenticity in all it’s glory.


Brené Brown is best known for her research on Vulnerability and has several TED talks and a few great books to her name. I also love her views on Authenticity.

“Authenticity is not something we have or don’t have. It’s a practice – a conscious choice of how we want to live. Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make everyday. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

Brené is so right. Being real with ourselves and with others is a choice. And I believe it’s the only way we can ever reach our full potential as human beings.


In the Oxford dictionary authenticity (noun) is defined as:

the quality of being genuine or true.

I love the simplicity of this – thanks Oxford Dictionary for making it easy! Kind of.


I’ve recently discovered I’m not alone in my reverence for authenticity.

I asked the gorgeous Jordanna Levin – Holistic Wellness Coach, Conscious Cook, Soulful Writer and Creator of the Inspired Table Podcast what authenticity means to her and I just love the words she shared:

“At the centre of all of us lies our true self, an intrinsic vibration known as authenticity. It is a fearlessness to embrace that which we know is at our deepest soul level, and when shared with others brings about our most meaningful relationships, collaborations and connections.”

I love this because when it all comes down to it, connecting sincerely and genuinely with others is what matters most. The human connection is life.


I also checked in with Lindsey Allen, the beautiful and passionate founder of Fearlessly Authentic Living (real apparel celebrating – the real you) and she had her own beautiful and unique take on authenticity.

“Authenticity is not perfection, it’s real life. It looks like celebrating your “you-ness”, flaunting your quirks, and ultimately living a life you love.”

How brilliant that by owning your quirks the by-product will naturally be greater authenticity. So refreshing and liberating!


So practically speaking – how can you add more authenticity to your day?

  • Stand up for what you believe in. One of my favourite sayings is “if you don’t stand for anything, you’ll fall for everything.” What are you passionate about? Sing it loud and proud.
  • Be vulnerable and tell it like it is. Speak your truth, even if it’s hard sometimes, even if it’s not always well received. Just be sure you seek support when processing your experiences – especially if it’s with the ‘big stuff’ in life.
  • Honour your needs. Tune in to your intuition and be kind to yourself. If that means getting some exercise, having a nap or doing something fun, go for it and own it.
  • Ask people how they are, and really care about the answer.
  • Be a good listener. It is so powerful to create space for people. Being present for another in an attitude of non-judgement (and not necessarily trying to ‘fix it’) is a gift.


Below are my go-to affirmations for authenticity (inspired by the beautiful American author, publisher and thought leader Louise Hay):

  • I speak my truth with loving kindness (visualising blue for the throat chakra)
  • It is safe for me to be me
  • I love and approve of myself (this is one of my favourites because it means no matter what you say or believe – if it is true for you that is what matters. Likewise you don’t have to buy into the beliefs of others if they don’t serve you or don’t feel true to you)
  • I at peace with myself in the world.


Be authentic dear one. Speak your truth.

Own your fabulousness and your foibles in equal measure!
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