New Graduate’s Guide to Physiotherapy

(9 customer reviews)




Just landed your first job – feeling excited but also slightly terrified?

Start your career with clarity, confidence and enjoyment!

Learn the ‘soft skills’ you would normally only learn through years of trial and error.

Discover the mistakes that all new graduates make (without having to make them yourself!)

Draw on experience from mentors, experienced physiotherapists and those who have walked the path before you!

Or if you’re an experienced physiotherapist, deepen your understanding of how to best care for yourself while teaching others, and be the mentor that your new grads (and team) need you to be!

A portion of all book sales go to The Birthing Kit Foundation to help provide first-line childbirth care and much needed Birthing Kits for women giving birth in high risk and emergency settings.


Elizabeth Santos is a physiotherapist, naturopath and author living in the Adelaide Foothills with her son, daughter and husband. This book is the culmination of 13 years of clinical practice and has been designed to be a mentor-in-your-pocket style of guide book for new graduate physiotherapists. Elizabeth believes this book will truly help new graduates thrive in those first years of clinical practice and beyond.



“This book is exactly what students need in their final year of the physiotherapy degree. It provides much-needed clarity regarding what the first few years of practice may look like, and how to avoid burnout in the future. Would  highly recommend this book to fellow students also seeking guidance on their future physiotherapy career!”

– Jessica Gourlay, 4th year physiotherapy student


9 reviews for New Graduate’s Guide to Physiotherapy

  1. Bridget

    “Bible” for new grads! Highly recommend this book for those starting out. Very easy to understand and follow.

  2. Tory

    A really valuable resource for all newer physios preparing for life in the physio workforce and wanting to put some thought into how to build a career. There would be many physios a few years out who would find Elizabeth’s writing to be thought-provoking and help them through that next stage of their career. A must for practice owners to help support their staff, especially the early career physios.

  3. Ricardo

    This is a great educational resource with broad appeal. A holistic, useful guide that I think all physiotherapists will enjoy regardless of their level of experience. Well done!

  4. Adrienne

    This is a beautifully written guide for new physiotherapists, which also has applications across other professions. It is accessible because of its structure with subheadings, yet it contains so much insight and strategy. A fantastic resource.

  5. Lyn

    Ideal resource for young physiotherapists and practice owners. Research based, thoughtful and though-provoking, it’s a life guide as well as practice guide, engaging and easy to read. Highly recommended.

  6. Celeste

    A Must Read for new grads! Elizabeth leaves nothing out from caring for your clients to caring for yourself to have a great sustainable career. So many good tips and issues to look out for in your first year of practice. Great bargain too.

  7. Kelly

    A neat little package for those starting out. Not only does this book provide a guide for graduates (or refresher for experienced practitioners), professionally and in life real; it gives tools to have a clear and motivated approach that are easy to understand and use.
    As a professional, we sometimes need a hand-pocket resource to help us get out of a rut or set realistic career goals and this is a great guide for that.
    Thanks Elizabeth!!

  8. Victoria

    A book I wish I had had in the early years of my nursing career, full of practical advice and reassurance for the young clinician.

  9. Adam

    This is a very neat and tidy resource – full of practical advice, focused questions to inspire self-reflection, and very clearly laid out. Any health practitioner would find this to be valuable!

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