This is a post for the women out there… but also for the men who want to understand the ladies in their lives a little more – whether that’s a significant other, a daughter, sister, friend or mother. It’s a clip I made for you way back in January…
I’ve recently been reflecting on the last few years, and as a 30-something, newly-married health professional with two degrees, a puppy, mortgage and baby on the way – people often ask – “how do you fit it all in?”
The answer is, by taking time out for self-care and nurturing myself every step of the way. The last 18 months particularly I have felt a gradual but powerful re-emergence of femininity in my life and have become re-acquainted with my inner Goddess. Exciting times. 🙂
Read on or watch the clip to find out how you can embrace your Goddess within, or support the women in your life to better connect with their own divine feminine power.
1. Connecting with the Earth
Living By the Seasons
Purchasing your fruit and vegetables from local farmers markets or organic markets is a great way to eat food that is in season. Avoid eating root vegetables in summer and summer fruits in winter as they are likely to be imported and not as good for you! Follow principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and eat cooling foods when the weather is hot and vice versa. This is why I don’t believe in a 100% raw diet as at certain times of the year (ie winter or cold days) raw foods can be too cooling and essentially ‘put out’ or dampen your digestive fire.
Earth, Fire, Water, Air?
Work out whether your astrological sign is earth, fire, water or air and then begin to explore how you feel around each of these natural elements. If you connect with fire, spend more time lighting candles. If you connect with the earth, make sure to get your shoes off and ground in nature regularly. If you are an air sign, spend time in nature practising meditation and focus intently on the breath. If you’re a water-baby (like me!), make sure you take a trip to the beach or local river and get your feet and hands in the water.
Being in Tune with the Moon
While science may tell you there is no connection between the moon and menstrual cycles, there are millions of woman in this world who will disagree! Yes there are roughly 28 days in the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle – call it a coincidence if you will, but I can tell you that for the last 6 years (since I started paying attention!) my cycle has been in tune with the full moon.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for science and evidence when it comes to health care, but when it comes to some of the mysteries of life… just because you can’t prove something scientifically doesn’t mean it isn’t so.
If you would like to know more about your connection to the moon, please go and visit the Moon Woman. Her daily updates are full of ancient wisdom about the earth, the stars and how you can embrace your femininity (and humane-ness) every single day. Love her.
2. Embracing the Goddess
Goddess is the term used to describe a female deity, and there have been thousands of Goddesses across the religions of the world over time. These Goddesses have been associated with a range of natural phenomena including motherhood, fertility, the Earth and healing.
Some of the more popular and well known Goddesses include the Greek Goddesses Aphrodite (goddess of love and beauty), Gaia (primoridal Goddess of the Earth, most Goddesses descend from her) and Artemis (Goddess of the wilderness, wild animals, virginity, childbirth and the hunt).
Within our own lives, we can connect with these or any other Goddesses we wish to with specific worship or ritual. However, even just a conscious choice to embody their principles of love, beauty, or wilderness can inspire us to spend more time in nature, or focus on loving others more profoundly.
There are other ways to connect with your own inner divinity, such as lighting a candle and meditating on your role as a woman in this world, or wearing clothes that enhance your sense of femininity. Choose fabrics that make you feel comfortable, light and invoke feelings of sensuality. Wear your best lingerie just because you can! Let your hair be wild and free, or splash on some lipstick and dance to your favourite music.
3. Allowing Your Creativity To Flow
As women, by design we are creative beings, with the highest honour bestowed on us – that of creating new life. It is essential that we tap into and harness our creative talents so that we feel a sense of self-expression. No matter how big or small your legacy, when you create from a place of passion, it is a joy for yourself, and a joy for those who are privileged to witness your process.
It does not matter whether you find your creative zone while painting, singing, drawing, sculpting, or during a profound yoga practice, what matters is that you find it and become familiar with it on a regular basis.
4. Being With the Sisterhood
Being connected to like-minded women who can share in your joy, your sorrow and witness your humanity is not an optional extra, it is an essential ingredient for a happy life.
In days gone by we lived in smaller tribal communities and there were likely to be women on hand to share wisdom or advice. Today it may require a coffee date or a telephone call, but do be sure to make time for special encounters with women in your life.
This is a past excerpt from my face book page…. (in which I tagged all of the women in my world!)
“Today I have taken a little time to recharge my inner being, my soul, my light, my goddess within. When I look after myself, it always helps me to shine brighter in this world! A huge and deeply hearfelt-in-this-moment thank you to a number of soul sisters who have played a healing and profound part in my life, forcing me to dig a little deeper, dance with a little more grace, tear down the outer walls, embrace my vulnerability, love myself and others more and laugh harder and longer. Enjoying the ride! Gratitude.”
So, how do you connect with your inner Goddess? What do you do to feel more feminine every day? Please share your stories or thoughts about femininity in the comments below.
Great video Liz! Inspired me to get a bit more creative 🙂 xx
Aww thanks Danni! You go girl! It feels so good to create something whether it’s just for you, or something you can share… I’ve even been playing around with drawing and pastels again – something I haven’t done for years! Have fun xx